As a budding amateur underwater photographer, I always enjoy looking at the work accomplished by other divers. This underwater photography contest site provides a plethora of beautiful photos to learn from and enjoy.
The site states: "Winning here (or even just being placed) is Underwater Photography's most coveted accolade because it says you succeeded in the most competitive environment there is, against the top talent of the moment.
Every year a panel of judges select the best images entered in our online photo contest from the previous year. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded for the top three from each category in order of merit."
Click the the many photos and you'll be sure to see sites and creatures that will amaze you.
Underwater Photography shouldn't be competition based. Only a fool is so competitive. Anyone can make a competition.. who cares? Diving and uw photo is about sharing the experience, not being the best. Who can really judge what photo is better? It's really silly.
Fair point. But the photos that you can find through the site are truly amazing. I should have added to kudos to them all for their accomplishments!
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