Saturday, September 18, 2010

Underwater Photography

It has been a long time since I posted anything here. So without further verbiage, let me post some of my recent diving photos. These were taken off the coast of Boynton Beach, Florida, which is South of West Palm Beach.

Me under the sea
Moon Jelly Fish

Butterfly fish

Two Butterfly fish

Beautiful Queen Angel

Another Queen Angel - see the "crown" on her head?

Sea Anenome (this is typically where you see clown fish)

Looking up to the surface from 85 feet below

A school of fish

A very healthy reef... look at all that growth

The Grey Angels are so beautiful

Can you see the fish? It's iridescent blue

The fish is a cow fish

Blue Tangs are among my favorite

If you look in the distance you can see the spade fish

More Blue Tang

Do you see the eel?

Grey Angel

I love diving and seeing all of God's creations


Lee said...

I am impressed. Love the photos.

About Lisa Bastian, Owner of said...

Your photos are stunning. No extra lighting needed to take them, just natural light? I enjoy all the colors and diversity of those little friends. Thanks for sharing.